The process of checking that the credit card being used in a transaction contains sufficient funds to cover the amount of the transaction. Note that if sufficient funds are found, the amount is held for a given period of time, waiting to be withdrawn when settlement occurs (the period of time varies based on the issuing bank of the credit card).
HTTP Method | API URL | API Version |
POST | | >= 002 |
Field | Type | Max Length | Required | Description | Version |
customerIP | String | 40 | yes | Customer request IP | |
amount | Integer | 10 | yes | Number in minor unit, e.g. cents; 100 dollar cent equals to 1 dollar | |
currency | String | 3 | yes | ISO-4217 currency codes | |
orderID | String | 100 | yes | Unique reference to current transaction request | |
Credit Card Payment fields | |||||
cardNumber | String | 40 | yes | Credit card number | |
cardSecurityCode | String | 4 | yes | CVV number from credit card | |
cardHolderName | String | 80 | yes | ||
cardExpireMonth | String | 2 | yes | Month of the card expire: 09 | |
cardExpireYear | String | 4 | yes | Year of the card expire ie: 2017 | |
Optional Shopper fields | |||||
shopperName | String | 80 | yes | Use ‘NA’ if unavailable | |
shopperAddress | String | 255 | yes | Use ‘NA’ if unavailable | |
shopperZipcode | String | 10 | yes | Use ‘NA’ if unavailable | |
shopperCity | String | 50 | yes | Use ‘NA’ if unavailable | |
shopperState | String | 30 | yes | ISO 3166-2 country subdivision codes if exist; 2 letters in USA, 3 letters in Australia, etc. Use ‘NA’ if unavailable | |
shopperCountryCode | String | 2 | yes | ISO-3166-1 country codes. Use “ZZ” if the country is unknown | |
shopperPhone | String | 20 | yes | Use ‘NA’ if unavailable | |
shopperEmail | String | 100 | yes | Use ‘NA’ if unavailable | |
shopperBirthDate | String | 8 | no | Use format YYYYMMDD | >= 0206 |
shopperIDNumber | String | 32 | no | Customers document (passport number, ID number,taxpayer ID,… ) | >= 0206 |
Optional e-commerce fields | |||||
orderAmount | String | 10 | no | Number in minor unit, e.g. cents; 100 dollar cent equals to 1 dollar | |
productID | String | 32 | no | Unique ID of the ordered product (separate multiple IDs by commas). | |
comment | String | 255 | no | Merchant comments | |
shipToName | String | 80 | no | Name of shipping address | |
shipToAddress | String | 255 | no | Address of shipping address | |
shipToZipcode | String | 10 | no | Zip code of shipping address | |
shipToCity | String | 50 | no | City of shipping address | |
shipToState | String | 30 | no | ISO 3166-2 country subdivision codes if exist; 2 letters in USA, 3 letters in Australia, etc | |
shipToCountryCode | String | 2 | no | ISO-3166-1 country codes | |
shipToPhone | String | 20 | no | Phone of shipping address | |
orderDescription | String | 500 | no | Order description | |
Optional 3D secure fields | |||||
PaRes | String | 16384 | no | PaRes returned from 3D secure authentication, will take precedence on individual fields below. | >= 0207 |
CRes | String | 8192 | yes for 3DS v2 | The challenge result received after 3DSAuth call. | >= 02331 |
ECI | String | 4 | no | Electronic Commerce Indicator returned from 3D secure authentication (Only to be used by special agreement) | |
XID | String | 28 | no | Xid returned from 3D secure authentication (Only to be used by special agreement) | |
CAVV | String | 40 | no | Cavv returned from 3D secure authentication (Only to be used by special agreement) | |
CAVVAlgorithm | String | 32 | no | CAVVAlgorithm returned from 3D secure authentication (Only to be used by special agreement) | |
offerID | Integer | 16 | no | Predefined price point with initial and rebill period | |
Optional manual subscription fields | |||||
subscriptionType | String | 32 | no | can be normal, partpayment, infinite, onetime or lifetime. See Subscription Types (Only to be used by special agreement) | |
rebillAmount | Integer | 10 | no | Number in minor unit, e.g. cents; 100 dollar cent equals to 1 dollar. Amount to be rebilled after the initial period. (Only to be used by special agreement) | |
rebillPeriod | String | 10 | no | Frequency of the iterations in ISO 8601 duration format. (Only to be used by special agreement) | |
rebillMaxIteration | Integer | 2 | no | Number of re-billing transaction that will be settled. Use 0 for unlimited rebill. (Only to be used by special agreement) | |
trialPeriod | String | 10 | no | Duration of the trial period (if any) in ISO 8601 duration format. (Only to be used by special agreement) | |
Optional affiliate fields | |||||
affiliateID | String | 16 | no | This is the affiliate id from your affiliate program. This variable help you and the Risk Management team to manage the transactions coming from your affiliates. | |
campaignName | String | 128 | no | Affiliate campaign name | |
Optional fraud fields | |||||
threatmetrixSession | String | 100 | no | Threatmetrix session id generated on the payment page |
Note: Gateway API transactions are done with a different library than payment-page API. See the code sample comments for more info:
* Transaction name is 'CCAuthorize', once you create a new transaction passing this as parameter,
* you need to set the mandatory data using the follow methods:
* setTransactionInformation()
* setCardInformation()
* setShopperInformation()
* Additionally, you can call the following methods for extra parameters:
* setAVSPolicy(), setOrder(), setShippingAddress(), set3DSecure(), setAffiliate()
$client = new GatewayClient();
$transaction = $client->newTransaction('CCAuthorize', 'testMerchant', 'testPassword');
$transaction->setTransactionInformation(200, 'USD', 'order1456', '');
$transaction->setCardInformation('4111111111111111', '000', 'John Smith', '10', '2014');
$transaction->setShopperInformation('John Smith', '334 Some Drive', '90001', 'Los Angeles', 'CA', 'US', '+1 213-XXX-XXXX', '');
$response = $transaction->send();
if ('000' === $response->errorCode) {
$transactionID = $response->transactionID;
} else {
echo "Error {$response->errorCode} with message {$response->errorMessage}";
// Instantiate the client and send the transaction information request
// Second argument is the originator ID, third one is the associated API key
Connect2payClient c2p = new Connect2payClient("", "123456",
AccountInformationRequest request = new AccountInformationRequest();
AccountInformationResponse response = null;
try {
response = c2p.getAccountInformation(request);
if (response != null) {
// ...
List<PaymentMethodInformation> paymentMethods = response.getPaymentMethods();
if (paymentMethods != null) {
for (PaymentMethodInformation paymentMethod : paymentMethods) {
System.out.println(paymentMethod.getCurrencies().stream().collect(Collectors.joining(", ")));
List<PaymentMethodOption> pmOptions = ccMethod.getOptions();
if (pmOptions != null) {
for (PaymentMethodOption pmOption : pmOptions) {
System.out.println(pmOption.getName() + ": " + pmOption.getValue());
// ...
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Ooops, an error occurred getting account information: " + e.getMessage());
// Handle the error...
const gateway = require("payxpert")("123456", "GreatP4ssw0rd").gateway;
const body = {
customerIP: "",
amount: 1500,
currency: "EUR",
cardNumber: "4111111111111111",
cardSecurityCode: "000",
cardHolderName: "CARDHOLDER NAME",
cardExpireMonth: "10",
cardExpireYear: "2024",
shopperName: "NodeJS Test",
shopperAddress: "NA",
shopperZipcode: "NA",
shopperCity: "NA",
shopperState: "NA",
shopperCountryCode: "NA",
shopperPhone: "NA",
shopperEmail: "NA"
const responseCreatePayment = await gateway.creditCardSale(body);
if (responseCreatePayment.code == "000") {
// Success
var client = new GatewayClient(OriginatorConfig.ORIGINATOR_ID, OriginatorConfig.ORIGINATOR_PASSWORD);
var transaction = client.NewSaleTransaction();
var amount = 1000;
transaction.SetTransactionInformation(amount, "EUR", "50", "");
transaction.SetCardInformation("4111111111111111", "000", "CSHARP SDK", "10", "2024");
transaction.SetShopperInformation("CSHARP SDK", "MICROSOFT HELL", "666", "REDMOND", "WA", "US", "12445", "x@x.rr");
var response = await transaction.Send();
if (response.IsSuccessfull())
Console.WriteLine("Sale operation ok. Transaction ID: " + response.transactionID);
The body of the response is in JSON format.
The following fields are present in the response :
Name | Type | Description |
transactionID | String | Transaction reference returned by the system |
errorCode | String | See API Response Codes |
errorMessage | String | See API Response Codes |
statementDescriptor | String | ie: |
paymentMeanInfo | Object | Details of the payment mean. |
Optional automated subscription fields | ||
subscriptionID | String | Subscription reference returned by the system |