Credit Card Authorization

The process of checking that the credit card being used in a transaction contains sufficient funds to cover the amount of the transaction. Note that if sufficient funds are found, the amount is held for a given period of time, waiting to be withdrawn when settlement occurs (the period of time varies based on the issuing bank of the credit card).


HTTP Method API URL API Version
POST >= 002

Accepted parameters

Field Type Max Length Required Description Version
customerIP String 40 yes Customer request IP
amount Integer 10 yes Number in minor unit, e.g. cents; 100 dollar cent equals to 1 dollar
currency String 3 yes ISO-4217 currency codes
orderID String 100 yes Unique reference to current transaction request
Credit Card Payment fields
cardNumber String 40 yes Credit card number
cardSecurityCode String 4 yes CVV number from credit card
cardHolderName String 80 yes
cardExpireMonth String 2 yes Month of the card expire: 09
cardExpireYear String 4 yes Year of the card expire ie: 2017
Optional Shopper fields
shopperName String 80 yes Use ‘NA’ if unavailable
shopperAddress String 255 yes Use ‘NA’ if unavailable
shopperZipcode String 10 yes Use ‘NA’ if unavailable
shopperCity String 50 yes Use ‘NA’ if unavailable
shopperState String 30 yes ISO 3166-2 country subdivision codes if exist; 2 letters in USA, 3 letters in Australia, etc. Use ‘NA’ if unavailable
shopperCountryCode String 2 yes ISO-3166-1 country codes. Use “ZZ” if the country is unknown
shopperPhone String 20 yes Use ‘NA’ if unavailable
shopperEmail String 100 yes Use ‘NA’ if unavailable
shopperBirthDate String 8 no Use format YYYYMMDD >= 0206
shopperIDNumber String 32 no Customers document (passport number, ID number,taxpayer ID,… ) >= 0206
Optional e-commerce fields
orderAmount String 10 no Number in minor unit, e.g. cents; 100 dollar cent equals to 1 dollar
productID String 32 no Unique ID of the ordered product (separate multiple IDs by commas).
comment String 255 no Merchant comments
shipToName String 80 no Name of shipping address
shipToAddress String 255 no Address of shipping address
shipToZipcode String 10 no Zip code of shipping address
shipToCity String 50 no City of shipping address
shipToState String 30 no ISO 3166-2 country subdivision codes if exist; 2 letters in USA, 3 letters in Australia, etc
shipToCountryCode String 2 no ISO-3166-1 country codes
shipToPhone String 20 no Phone of shipping address
orderDescription String 500 no Order description
Optional 3D secure fields
PaRes String 16384 no PaRes returned from 3D secure authentication, will take precedence on individual fields below. >= 0207
CRes String 8192 yes for 3DS v2 The challenge result received after 3DSAuth call. >= 02331
ECI String 4 no Electronic Commerce Indicator returned from 3D secure authentication (Only to be used by special agreement)
XID String 28 no Xid returned from 3D secure authentication (Only to be used by special agreement)
CAVV String 40 no Cavv returned from 3D secure authentication (Only to be used by special agreement)
CAVVAlgorithm String 32 no CAVVAlgorithm returned from 3D secure authentication (Only to be used by special agreement)
offerID Integer 16 no Predefined price point with initial and rebill period
Optional manual subscription fields
subscriptionType String 32 no can be normal, partpayment, infinite, onetime or lifetime. See Subscription Types (Only to be used by special agreement)
rebillAmount Integer 10 no Number in minor unit, e.g. cents; 100 dollar cent equals to 1 dollar. Amount to be rebilled after the initial period. (Only to be used by special agreement)
rebillPeriod String 10 no Frequency of the iterations in ISO 8601 duration format. (Only to be used by special agreement)
rebillMaxIteration Integer 2 no Number of re-billing transaction that will be settled. Use 0 for unlimited rebill. (Only to be used by special agreement)
trialPeriod String 10 no Duration of the trial period (if any) in ISO 8601 duration format. (Only to be used by special agreement)
Optional affiliate fields
affiliateID String 16 no This is the affiliate id from your affiliate program. This variable help you and the Risk Management team to manage the transactions coming from your affiliates.
campaignName String 128 no Affiliate campaign name
Optional fraud fields
threatmetrixSession String 100 no Threatmetrix session id generated on the payment page

Code samples

Note: Gateway API transactions are done with a different library than payment-page API. See the code sample comments for more info:

    *   Transaction name is 'CCAuthorize', once you create a new transaction passing this as parameter, 
    *   you need to set the mandatory data using the follow methods:
    *    setTransactionInformation() 
    *    setCardInformation()
    *    setShopperInformation()
    *    Additionally, you can call the following methods for extra parameters:
    *    setAVSPolicy(), setOrder(), setShippingAddress(), set3DSecure(), setAffiliate()

    $client = new GatewayClient();

    $transaction = $client->newTransaction('CCAuthorize', 'testMerchant', 'testPassword');
    $transaction->setTransactionInformation(200, 'USD', 'order1456', '');
    $transaction->setCardInformation('4111111111111111', '000', 'John Smith', '10', '2014');
    $transaction->setShopperInformation('John Smith', '334 Some Drive', '90001', 'Los Angeles', 'CA', 'US', '+1 213-XXX-XXXX', '');

    $response = $transaction->send();

    if ('000' === $response->errorCode) {
        $transactionID  = $response->transactionID;
    } else {
        echo "Error {$response->errorCode} with message {$response->errorMessage}";
  // Instantiate the client and send the transaction information request
  // Second argument is the originator ID, third one is the associated API key
  Connect2payClient c2p = new Connect2payClient("", "123456", 

  AccountInformationRequest  request  = new AccountInformationRequest();
  AccountInformationResponse response = null;

  try {
      response = c2p.getAccountInformation(request);
      if (response != null) {
      // ...
      List<PaymentMethodInformation> paymentMethods = response.getPaymentMethods();
      if (paymentMethods != null) {
          for (PaymentMethodInformation paymentMethod : paymentMethods) {
          System.out.println(paymentMethod.getCurrencies().stream().collect(Collectors.joining(", ")));
          List<PaymentMethodOption> pmOptions = ccMethod.getOptions();
          if (pmOptions != null) {
              for (PaymentMethodOption pmOption : pmOptions) {
              System.out.println(pmOption.getName() + ": " + pmOption.getValue());
      // ...
  } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.error("Ooops, an error occurred getting account information: " + e.getMessage());
      // Handle the error...
    const gateway = require("payxpert")("123456", "GreatP4ssw0rd").gateway;

    const body = {
        customerIP: "",
        amount: 1500,
        currency: "EUR",
        orderID: "HELLO NODEJS",

        cardNumber: "4111111111111111",
        cardSecurityCode: "000",
        cardHolderName: "CARDHOLDER NAME",
        cardExpireMonth: "10",
        cardExpireYear: "2024",

        shopperName: "NodeJS Test",
        shopperAddress: "NA",
        shopperZipcode: "NA",
        shopperCity: "NA",
        shopperState: "NA",
        shopperCountryCode: "NA",
        shopperPhone: "NA",
        shopperEmail: "NA"

    const responseCreatePayment = await gateway.creditCardSale(body);

    if (responseCreatePayment.code == "000") {
        // Success

    var client = new GatewayClient(OriginatorConfig.ORIGINATOR_ID, OriginatorConfig.ORIGINATOR_PASSWORD);
    var transaction = client.NewSaleTransaction();

    var amount = 1000;

    transaction.SetTransactionInformation(amount, "EUR", "50", "");
    transaction.SetCardInformation("4111111111111111", "000", "CSHARP SDK", "10", "2024");
    transaction.SetShopperInformation("CSHARP SDK", "MICROSOFT HELL", "666", "REDMOND", "WA", "US", "12445", "x@x.rr");

    var response = await transaction.Send();

    if (response.IsSuccessfull())
        Console.WriteLine("Sale operation ok. Transaction ID: " + response.transactionID);



The body of the response is in JSON format.

The following fields are present in the response :

Name Type Description
transactionID String Transaction reference returned by the system
errorCode String See API Response Codes
errorMessage String See API Response Codes
statementDescriptor String ie:
paymentMeanInfo Object Details of the payment mean.
  Optional automated subscription fields  
subscriptionID String Subscription reference returned by the system

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