Export Transactions List


HTTP Method API URL API Version
GET https://paiement.payzone.ma/transactions/export >= 002.60

This call permits a merchant to obtain information about all transactions in a certain date range.

The parameters can be used to further filter the transactions included in the response.

Accepted parameters

Name Type Value Required API Version
apiVersion String(8) API version to be used (default 002.61) no >= 002.61
startTime String(8) Minimum processing time of transactions included in the export; inclusive, unix timestamp yes >= 002.61
endTime String(8) Maximum processing time of transactions included in the export; exclusive, unix timestamp yes >= 002.61
operation String(32) Operation of transactions included in the export. Can be sale, authorize, submission, collection, refund_request, refund, rebill and cancel. no >= 002.61
paymentMethod String(32) Payment method of transactions included in the export no >= 002.61
paymentNetwork String(32) Payment network Payment network of transactions included in the export, if provided the paymentMethod - if it is set as well - must be supported by this payment network no >= 002.61
transactionResultCode Integer Result code of transactions included in the export, 0 to 999 no >= 002.61


The body of the response to a transaction export request is a JSON object and includes the following properties:

Name Type Description
apiVersion String(8) Used API version
transactions Array List of exported transactions, Elements are Transaction objects

Code samples

    use PayXpert\Connect2Pay\Connect2PayClient;

    $url = "https://paiement.payzone.ma";
    // This will be provided once your account is approved
    $originator  = "000000";
    $password    = "Gr3atPassw0rd!";

    $c2pClient = new Connect2PayClient($url, $originator, $password);

    $request = new ExportTransactionsRequest();

    // fetch for October 2019 (in current timezone)
    $request->setStartTime(mktime(0, 0, 0, 10, 1, 2019));
    $request->setEndTime(mktime(0, 0, 0, 11, 1, 2019));

    // Set additional filtering if required:
    // $request->setOperation(...)
    // $request->setPaymentMethod(...)
    // $request->setTransactionResultCode(...)
    // $request->setPaymentNetwork(...)

    $response = $c2pClient->exportTransactions($request);

    if ($response != null) {
    foreach ($response->getTransactions() as $transaction) {
    echo "Transaction ID: " . $transaction->getTransactionID();
    echo "Amount: " . $transaction->getAmount();
    // ...
    } else {
    echo "Error: " . $c2pClient->getClientErrorMessage() . "\n";
    // The second argument is the originator ID, third one is the associated API key.
    // This will be provided once your account is approved.
    Connect2payClient c2p = new Connect2payClient("https://paiement.payzone.ma", "123456", 

    TransactionsExportRequest request  = new TransactionsExportRequest();
    TransactionExportResponse response = null;

    Date now = new Date();
    Date oneDayBeforeNow = new Date(now - millsecondsInADay);


    // Set additional filtering if required:
    // request.setOperation(...)
    // request.setPaymentMethod(...)
    // request.setTransactionResultCode(...)
    // request.setPaymentNetwork(...)

    try {
        response = c2p.exportTransactions(request);
        for (TransactionAttempt transaction : response.getTransactions()) {
        // ...
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Ooops, an error occurred getting transaction information: " + e.getMessage());
        // Handle the error...
    const gateway = require("payxpert")("123456", "GreatP4ssw0rd").connect2pay;
    let currentTimestamp = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);

    let requestBody = {
        startTime: currentTimestamp - (3600 * 5),
        endTime: currentTimestamp + (3600 * 5)

    let exportResponse = await connect2pay.exportTransactionsList(requestBody);
    let exportedTransactionsArray = exportResponse.transactions;

    // ...

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